Comments (15)
I really like thie title screen music!
it's good
I may not be smart enough to get through this without some difficulty, but I can appreciate a good puzzle when I see it. And something as simple as removing the ability to go up...
i tried everything but like a lot of stuff is off camera from the sides which makes it very uneasy to play can you please fix that .-.
very good!
Game Soundtrack
Beginner's World Music
Heroicube is a third-person puzzle game where the player must use cooperation between colors in order to complete challenges like color zones, ferocious beasts, shadow goop, and more. The game allows players to explore 5 different worlds (totaling 50 levels) filled with various puzzles challenging them complete levels in the fewest moves possible. There's a twist though- you can only move left, down, and right. You can't move up!
Having won the Judge's award at OGPC 8.0 as well as the Epic Potential award at the Mythos Challenge, Heroicube is definitely worth a play. Can you conquer all 50 levels? How about even the first 10? Good luck!
Keep in mind, this is a video game developed by a single high school student!
If you have any questions, concerns, or comment, please contact: [email protected]