
"Hello, my old friend!" is a semi-linear RPG puzzle game where you play as a girl named Emma Stanton, where she received a message from her old friend Kyle Moore, who asked her to come to their "special place" so he could "show something to her". However, the routes to where Kyle is are covered with dangerous beasts she needs to fend off. But she could also spare and evade them. Can you help Emma reach Kyle and try to kill as less things as possible...?
Featuring a little interesting story about two friends. Featuring combat similar to the style of "The Legend of Zelda". Featuring an inventory system similar to classic Resident Evil games. Featuring puzzles and strategic puzzles found in most RPG games. Featuring item management, various enemies and npcs to interact with, small side quests, etc.
The game is planned to be 2-4 hours long and is planned to release sometime in late 2020. The game may be short, but reply value will be one of the main focuses. #puzzle #rpg #strategy #other