Comments (9)
its not working on mac\
hi everyone I will make a portal 2 remake soon!
folder not found!
so its unreal engine
Alpha 1
Alpha 2
Alpha 2.5 *fixed*
Alpha 3 *3.5*
alpha 4
This is a fan game created by me! It is 3d...
Controls: w, a , s ,d to move
mouse to steer
F to fly
Hello Neighbor Unity is a fan-made of Hello Neighbor in Unity Engine.
Hello Neighbor is a stealth horror game about sneaking into your neighbor's house to figure out what horrible secrets he's hiding in the basement. Trying to escape? The Neighbor will find a shortcut and catch you.
Suspenseful horror gameplay that focuses on sneaking around your neighbor's house
Sandbox-style gameplay with plenty of environmental interaction and physics
Move: WASD
Sprint: Left Shift
Jump: Spacebar
Interact: LMB [Left Mouse Button] (To doors: Drag mouse)
Pause: ESC [Escape]
Fan-Made authorized by tinyBuild
Actual build: Beta 2