Comments (6)
All done, your reviews are completed and online.
Again, excellent job, I am very happy to play it. If you make more in the future let me know and I would love to make more videos.
Youtube: FellowPlayer
Thank you very much, the final part will be released tomorrow.
Thank you for your review and comments. We are so glad. Your Kanji is right! Our team name is えんぴつ計画 = "Pencil Plan". We watched your YouTube playing movie. And we ware so impressed. We felt that it was good to create game. Thank you so much. P.S. Your game controlling is very well.
Most interesting game, It is a nice change. I will do a playlist for this game, you do a very good job. My Hirigana and Katakana is ok but I do not know Kanji, am I correct to translate your name as 'Pencil Plan'?
Youtube: FellowPlayer
Hopping is the 3D action game. We pursue fun to jump in soft environment.We created the original game by ourselfs. Please enjoy our game.
Dodge to jump so that it does not hit the block to approach.When you jump over the last block, you clear this game.The way, you fail happens if you've fallen out of the floor or hit the block. Floor that was illuminated by the sportlight will be soft. It is possible to jump higher than on soft floor, by using this Let jump over blocks.
Ginny is the daughter of country circus "Circo Calle" leader. This game story shows her longing to urban circus, and figure to challenge.
Key Assign
MOVE : Arrow Key
JUMP : Space Key
HIGH JUMP : Shift + Space Key
System Requirement
OS : Windows7, 8, 8.1
CPU : Intel Core i5 more
Memory : 4GB more
Graphics Card : Intel HD Graphics 4000 more
HDD : 400MB more
Screen Resolution : 960 x 540 or 1280 x 720
Device : Keyboard Only