
ХагаВагаХорар (HuggyWuggyHorror)
huggy wuggy horror is a rofl, a horror parody of the game Poppy playtime, with its own plot, locations, etc. The plot is simple: You get to an abandoned factory "Ass Playtime" where you will find the sender of the letter, but on your way there will be different heroes, but the mysterious head of this whole movement is Huggy Wuggy. Can you find out the secret of this mysterious factory?
Attention: this game does not want to offend the developers of Poppy playtime, shit the game or humiliate the entire fanbase, the game and the developers. This is just an ordinary rofl horror game made as a joke. It will be an alternate universe of poppy playtime. So this joke game does not want to offend the fans of this game, the whole game or the universe. This game is designed for a fun and somewhere scary time spending in this game. So I don't want to hurt anyone or anything related to this game. After all, I love poppy playtime, and you can say amateur or fan :)
tags: #horror, #humor, #fungame #fun, #fungame, #comedy, #poppy_playtime, #huggy_wuggy