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Hot Haze is a Multiplayer Top Down Shooter, that I'm developing as a semi-hobby project.

  • - It has guns (bordering insanity, like dualwielding miniguns)

  • - Vehicles (with turrets to ride along with your friends)

  • - And some usefull software tools! (Like a simple level editor wich I will expand on)

Follow the project to get invited for the multiplayer tests!

You can download the old builds to test the gameplay. These to not include dualwielding or the vehicles yet. And you can only use the "Pistol" and "Machinegun" in multiplayer. In single player you can use all of the old weapons.

Moving: WASD
Reloading: "R" or "Right Mouse Button"
Weapons Switching: "1 to 9" or "Mouse Scroll Wheel"
Key help: "F1" to see all the keys

You could compare it to #hotlinemiami

Intense Cartoon Violence
Intense Fantasy Violence
Blood and Gore
Nothing has been posted to this project page yet. Check back later!