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ever wondered where restaurants get their meat?

MEAT FOR THE BUTCHER is an arena shooter that takes place in the basement of a restaurant.



A man and his daughter are lost in the city without a place to stay. Out of desperation, they enter a restaurant, knowing they are unable to pay. The owner of the restaurant takes the man's daughter, and the man is put to work to pay off the food. To pay off the debt, he must survive night after night in a dark basement, killing bloody monsters and collecting their meat.


this is a fast-paced acid trip of a game. the story is dark and weird, and the combat is BRUTALLY difficult. between each level, you get cutscenes and often meet new characters.


get ready for some Hotline Miami-inspired action with a dark narritive and an amazing soundtrack in MEAT FOR THE BUTCHER!

#shooter #action #arcade #retro #survival #hotlinemiami

Fantasy Violence
Animated Bloodshed

It’s a beautiful day outside.

the perfect day do download meat for the butcher on and go shoot some pixel monsters!

Right now I am having some trouble getting the game on Gamejolt. Not to fear, however! As of now, the game is on, until further notice. So check the link!

Read article for game update-


I wanted to see how I would code and do pixel art for meat for the butcher if I started it today. The result was AMAZING 🤩

the game is almost done, just need to finish up the music! Talk to you soon!