Comments (24)
Cute guests https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iSntUTcOtgY
I'm not a big fan of this game, but here's my video.
Hi Kazer Gaming
I would like your permission to distribute your game House Of The Dead from my website www.portablefreewaregames.com
This would involve your game being packaged into a single portable .exe
file and distributed from my website for free.
I will quite happily include all the copyright information you wish
along with the game.
I hope that this is possible.
Here's what I think, your game with the mood and dark lighting atmosphere and the background music is right on awesome. I like the progressive way that you must kill enough zombies in order to salvage funds to be able to buy weapons (nice weapons by the way) and or move on to different levels on the map is really innovative as well. The game draws exiting moments as it almost seemed it was like watching a zombie action movie. Now a few things that could be fixed is when sometimes the zombies have you pinned against a wall or corner they can actually push you through the walls and even into places where the player is not supposed to be. The spawning of the zombies I feel is sometimes too fast, could be slown down just a bit as I was barely able to get setup quick enough for the next horde during a wave and there is very limited space to run around but some people may not mind that. Now with those two small problems mentioned other then that you do have a great action zombie game here and I enjoyed every minute of it very much, downloaded it and it was a keeper for me. The game itself runs very well optimised nicely, nice graphics and map is nice looking too. 8 stars out of 10 You did a excellent job bro, great game here!!!