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Thumpie Hunt (WINDOWS)

Version: 0.1.0over 3 years ago
Want to play Thumpie Hunt whenever you like? This is for you! You will have to go through a setup, and it's assets and the game will be stored in a file you choose.

Thumpie Hunt (HTML)

Version: 1.1.0over 3 years ago
Want to try Thumpie Hunt without a downloadable? Choose this option, you can play it on your browser with no problemo!

Welcome to Thumpie Hunt! A Game Developer's first game made in Scratch. Hope you enjoy this chaotic clicker game!

Play the game on scratch

The game can now be downloaded! It is sadly only for Windows, but I'll add Mac and maybe Linux too! You will have to download a setup, and it might say it's a virus, but there is no virus! No problem!


Far far in the distant future, in another universe.... A special species with the name "Thumpies" are a big economic hit as Number 2 best pet! You find an advantage and start capturing and putting wild Thumpies into adoption!

That doesn't mean it's easy, though.


Click on Thumpies to capture them.

Go to the Shop to sell your Thumpies, to get cash for gadgets.

Buy gadgets to help you catch Thumpies.

Each Thumpie is 2$.

Sometimes, trolls are disguised as Thumpies, exploding and destroying all Thumpies on screen!

Press Space to hide all UI (trust me, it's gonna be helpful)



- Just uploaded the game. Awesome!

- Expect GADGETS in the next update.


- Added a new gadget! Welcome the Thumpie Catcher!

- Automatically nets you a Thumpie when they get too close.

- Gives extra cash when it catches a Thumpie!

- Just 250 $ in the shop.

- New songs! Now you don't have to listen to Piklopedia all the time.

- Added an edited Happy Town? from Mother 3.

- Added an edited Redial from Bomberman Hero.


- Just a minor update.

- You can press space to check what Thumpies you caught!

- Nerfed the price of the Thumpie Catcher, it is now 50$!


- New track. Archimedes from Team Fortress 2.

- Thumpies do a little trolling... They might explode and erase all Thumpies on the godamn screen!


- Trolls now white out your screen, preventing you from catching!

- Fixed a Thumpie Catcher glitch.

- Fixed Troll spawning.

- 'T' now opens the tracker.

- 'Space' now hides the UI!

- Did the Blank Sprite trick in the project, should run more smoothly now.

- Edited Archimedes Track to be shorter, just like all the other tracks. Archimedes shouldn't be in your ears anymore!


- The game is now widescreen! AMAZING!


- Lots of hotfixes. Could call it a Minor update, but it's just patches.

- Fixed Radiboom's (Pink Thumpie) sprite.

- Added a new sound when Thumpie gets sucked by

the Thumpie Catcher.

- You can only have one T.C. at a time.

*1.1.0* !!!

- The first Minor update!!! Lotsa new content now!

- Land Mines. They appear randomly like the troll, but instead of wiping out the screen, they set your cash to 0! What, what do you mean it doesn't make sense? This is THE crazy clicker game!

- 3 new Thumpies! Lima (Lime Thumpie), Bowteye (Thumpie with an eye on it's bow), and Rubberino (Basketball)!

- 3 new tracks! Challenge Mode from Pikmin, Bloodmoon rising from LISA, and Bingo Battle 2 from Pikmin 3!


You, for playing this game! (give it a like if you enjoy it)

MSM for creating the the word "Thumpie" to let me capitalize off of it.

Nintendo for making the Piklopedia Track from Pikmin 2 (Track is used as a theme

Nintendo for making the Happy Town? Track from MOTHER 3 (Track is used as a theme

June Chikuma for making the Redial Track from Bomberman Hero (Track is used as a theme

VALVe for making Archimedes track from TF2 (Track is used as a theme

Friends for inspiring me to remaster this game.

This scratch game was packaged with, they helped a lot in getting this game to you!


#pointnclick #clicker #thumpie #scratch #other

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