Comments (6)
I cannot even consider this a game. i don't understand why people rated it as perfect when it's a very empty and glitched experience. there really is almost nothing to do.
also this looks nothing like the original zelda on the NES like the top picture led me to believe.
i'd recommend not wasting your time on this. it was pointless to make a game page for this
Cannot enter the starting town after you leave. (other transfer points missing too)
enemies do not give experience or money. (this means no way to heal)
Resting in bed does not heal
Mountains on the world map look wrong.
I'm really sorry but this game I had to do it in 2 days and I'm sorry
Otherwise now I have a real project and it's been 1.5 months that I'm on it
I hope you understand
Merci du commentaire
Tip: RPG Maker has a "strip unused assets" function.
You should use it :)
Hyliria World
#dreamhackjam Un nouveau jeux ,avec une bonne histoire (je trouve) .
Mild Cartoon Violence
Mild Fantasy Violence