Comments (5)
One of the best games I've ever played.
My playthrough:
My thoughts on this game:
The calendar says March, even though you were at April, that's a bit weird.
On really high resolution the game goes blue and inverted, is this intentional?
The only way I could find to make it to the nightmare level is to replace the file name of the level to an existing level.
Overall, you had quite the nice room 5 years ago. I enjoyed it. But you should avoid smoking since it can damage your lungs!!!!!!
For me to make a gameplay of this so you could show it to public
Im 15 sound 8 and the only thing wrong with my videos is NOTHING
Well sort of the facecam (Its either WAY TO BRIGHT on my face OR if i have the light off not bright enough lol)
POINT BEING would you like me to gameplay this
It would be my first video if so :)
i dont wanna get up
i dont wanna get up
yo so on sunday april 10th, i didnt wanna get up.
instead of making my bed i wanted to make my room.
spent the day making this out of bad assets and
textures/sounds from my room in keyport.
theres also a secret nightmare level.
Q: How accurate is it?
A: pretty accurate man. the monitor is actually my pc, the sounds are from keyport
(you can hear the crosswalk voice thing and stuff), and the layout is what my room
currently looks like. i just got a bed so like yeah if youre my friend and you didnt
realize i had a bed we havent seen each other in a while probably.
its a little bigger than my room so its easier to navigate and stuff.
Q: How long did it take?
A: a day