Comments (6)
I also am not found of bats, however this game looks amazing. I included it in part 3 of my Procedural Death Jam compilation video series, if you want to take a look :)
Simple, but nice! 4/5
I really like the visual style of this game, but the bats are really hard to avoid, and once one aggros you you might as well be dead. There's probably a trick to It that I haven't found yet. But one thing is certain: I'm going to be playing a lot more of this... 3/5
I hate bats!
"I hate bats!" is a very simple project inspired by Pacman and procedural generated rogue-likes. Developed in less than a week by one person for the Procedural Death Jam. Each level is generated randomly by the game.
Explore the level and collect points while you avoid the bats. Enter the elevator whenever you want to end the level. NOTE: If you collect all the points in the level you'll get a great score bonus.
This build is just a basic prototype, there are some bugs but they should be uncommon.