
Comments (3)

What do you think?

thank you for your game entry in the rpg maker vx ace jam!

Its ok i guess.Still golden dildo hahahahha.

It is the year 2015 in fall break in a small town. Your two best friends discover a secret weapon created by the United States goverment. The Golden Dildo. You must chose a side and gather your friends and find the golden dildo! The fate of your friends depend on you! With multiple endings. Tons of secrets to find, and six playable characters. #originalrpgs #RPG_Lovers #myindietube #japaneseroleplayinggame #CosmicChrisTV #gam3roverload #stupidfunnygamejam #rpggameseverywhere (Other Games In The I Want Series

Mild Cartoon Violence
Mild Fantasy Violence
Alcohol Reference
Drug Reference
Tobacco Reference
Suggestive Themes
Mild Language
Crass Humor

Third Game Out Invade the Moon with Geroge Bush.

Surprise! The third game is out. Now invade the moon and fight Saddam.

Sequel is out!

Sequel in works, but the next game will not be as comedic.