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en un mundo habian dos raza humana...y la raza furryun dia estos dos discutieron,y armaron una larga guerra donde los humanos salieron visctoriosos,los furrys furiosos por la derrota ejersiataron eh isieron experimentos con sigo uno de ellos isieron que tubieran poderes,los humanos asustados de que les hicieran algo los llevaron a un segun "paraiso" era el cielo era un lugar vajo tierra como un subterraneo y los dejaron hay...una curiosa humana-furry quiso imvestigar el lugar pero....

humana-furry:-caminando- mh que lugar interesa- -se cae a un oyo gigante en el lugar-AAAH!!

la humana con dolor en la cabeza se desperto en unos peluches de anime bastante cuastionables


In a world there were two races ... the human race ... and the furry race one day these two argued, and armed a long war where the humans came out visctorious, the furry furious by the defeat they ran and carried out experiments with I follow one of They believed that they had powers, the humans scared that they would do something to them took them to a second "paradise" but ... it was not heaven, it was a place empty earth like a subway and they left them there ... a curious human-furry wanted to investigate the place but ... human-furry: -walking- mh what an interesting place- -fells into a giant hole in the place-AAAH !! The human with a pain in the head woke up in some pretty quastionable anime stuffed animals...


¡¡WARNING:this game is only in spanish!!sorry for the persons in inglaterra etc

Fantasy Violence
Sexual Violence
Comical Shenanigans

no more furries

i'm in procces!||estoy en proceso!