Comments (14)
this looks neat
do you need spriter
are we fighting sans on mettaton stage?
To set the record straight, this isn't going to be ambitious or unique. It's your generic sans fight + thing. Don't expect much. I'll make better stuff later not involving sans and being cool and I will not tell you what it is
Game Soundtrack
ENTER: Improv
Hello and welcome to UNDERTALE: IMPROV! Trademark pending.
I'll get straight to the point. Improv is a fangame of Toby Fox's UNDERTALE, go figure. It is a short, challenging experience aiming to provide the same charm, humor, and quite honestly excessive amounts of edge we all fell in love with the original game for. No fancy-pants "story expansion" or willy-nilly "artistic improvement"; this game is no talk, all action! We hope to channel the same energy as the original content and give everyone another taste of what made us follow the first friendly RPG where no one had to die!
An all-new, multi-part battle against the one, the only, Sans the Skeleton! Now with at least 300% more dirty tricks up his sleeve!
A surprise appearance from someone I probably shouldn't talk too much about lest their appearance stop being a surprise! Unless you, y'know, look at the soundtrack, or the promotional art, or... alright, it's not a surprise. Still cool, though. In my opinion.
Minimized feature creep and a strong creative direction to guarantee this actually gets done! Said direction (and graphic design!) by the esteemed page owner, @dudeguy2022!
Also @malk_gamejolt_flavor is assisting with art he's also important
New fight! New mechanics! Minimal clutter!
An original soundtrack by @connordracolich, known for his original soundtrack creation capabilities! Only on Tuesdays.
And of course...
Open team applications!
That's right, we need men, specifically men who understand how to use Gamemaker Studio 2! Give us a shout if you're interested, the more is always the merrier!
That's about everything. Progress should be consistent once we get it going, and a good chunk of the assets are already done. We hope to see you all soon!
Stay tuned.
Fantasy Violence
Animated Bloodshed
Mild Language