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**Insert dramatic sound clip here

If you don't like MADNESS then what have you done with your life?!

Get playing this!!!!!!!!!!!!

Ok, if you read this far, I will grant you with teasers for the story.

			**In the mythical world of Madania, MADNESS flows like water in a river, until an evil group known as the Shadoks attack the land and attempt to destroy the MADNESS. Only you can stop the removeal of the MADNESS! Not rated by the ESRB.**


Cartoon Violence
Animated Bloodshed
Comical Shenanigans

Never CNN News

Sorry, but due to lack of several things, this games release date is currently unknown. Sadly there is a chance I will never finish the project. I will inform you of further developments on thew project.

Still not CNN News

Trailer will be released in mid-April.


This has been Not CNN News!

Not CNN News

Get hyped. The game is planned for release in *_May 2015._*