
Comments (15)

What do you think?

Fun quick game! Unique idea, too! Good work!

Nice simple yet challenging game! I've scored 12 credits but too bad it didn't register on the board :(

That was pretty cool man! Nice, simple concept.

Pretty neat little game. And a unique take on the theme.

I made a video of my gameplay:

Super nice take on the theme! Love this game. I included it in part 22 of my Indies vs Gamers compilation video series, if you would like to take a look :)


Insert Coin

Version: 1.0.0over 9 years ago

Do you know how to get unlimited credits with a single coin?

  • Tie a coin to a string.

  • Insert the coin inside the machine to buy a credit.

  • Then press your mouse button repeatedly to pull the string, until you get your coin back!

  • Send the coin back into the machine, buy another credit, and pull it out again.

  • Repeat over and over!

Sound simple right?
Unfortunately, modern arcade cabinets are protected against such techniques; they will send out a lot of flying red stuffs that will cut your string if you don't avoid them. So you'll have to pull the string wisely to avoid them.

How many credits can you buy with a single coin tied to a string?

This game was created in 72h for the #indiesvsgamers gamejam on the theme "Arcade".

Please vote for the game here!

Update - I've entered this game for the #gjfest contest! :)

Comical Shenanigans
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