Comments (25)
I also included your game in an article of my personal favorites :) http://fireside.gamejolt.com/post/jam-favorites-indies-vs-gamers-part-1-mhgc49vs
This is really well done! The visuals are excellent the gameplay feels nice. I like that the speed increases to make it more challenging to jump the longer you stay in one place. Well thought out. Check out my entry here http://gamejolt.com/games/armechgeddon/80346
Really unique gameplay! Quite hard at first though. Well done anyways
Really cool game! Amazingly simple in mechanic, yet new and innovative! :D
5 out of 5 pants down!
Thank you for having commented and playing [my game (link)] as well :)
Nice and challenging. I think it fits perfectly on mobile devices, I would totally have it on my phone.
Planet Plunge
Game Soundtrack
Jump from planet to planet and don't stay too long on it, otherwise you will lose points. Reach as far as you can get and destroy those asteroids while you're at it!
Controls: Press "Space" or "LMB" to jump, while in mid-air press "Space" or "LMB" again to dash.
Build up speed by staying longer on a planet.