Comments (37)
I would buy a more finished version for $14.99 on Steam. Pun not intended.
Graphically it looks good, the music and the voice actor are really great. However, the game image soon drove me a bit sick and that's not a normal experience for me in First Person 3D games, and a puzzle very soon in the game is not really hard, it's just a one in a million lucky shot and if you need to prevent something, it's that. The loading times are very long (even in the downloaded version) and when I tried to quit the game froze (luckily I could still force quit it quite easily). So the setup is not bad, but there's just some work to be done.
this takes so long to load
amazing game better then cod , i am serius, keep up the good work
I died and it crashed.
Game Soundtrack
IronGate, is a first-person puzzle adventure game that takes place in an alternate reality where Steam is used as the main source of power. Players play as a scientist within Irongate CO., a research & development / military facility working on a new invention, The H.G. Houndstooth. However, while working on his invention, the facility suddenly enters into lock-down mode, trapping him within. The player must solve puzzles using the gun to power machines using steam to escape the facility.
Headphones are recommended for optimal gaming experience.
Downloading the PC or Mac version is highly recommended for optimal gaming experience.
This game was created by 3rd year students in the Michigan State University Video Game Design Program.
Producer: Elan Gleiber
Lead Designer: Elan Gleiber
UI Designer: Chase Grove
Sound Designer: Elan Gleiber
Lead Programmer: Chase Grove
3D Art: Michael Beyene, Michael Murray
2D (UI) Art: Michael Beyene