Comments (9)
greeting this is your former president Barack Obama, and I just wanted to say that this game has changed my life. God bless you!

What’s the main characters name, and do you plan on making future games with him?
O nomnre juahz gteutk corr zxgtyrgzk znoy, kyvkiogrre ot g mgsk gy jash gy znoy. O’s tuz gizagrre g yorre mgsk jkbkruvkx, O’s ykixkzre gvgxz ul znk mubkxtsktz. Znkxk zxeotm zu ayk znkyk yzavoj sksky gy otjoxkiz sotj iutzxur. Lux cngz O igt’z yge, hkigayk lux grr O qtuc. O’s muotm zu hk ynuz ot znk nkgj lux znoy gy oz oy. Vrkgyk yzuv cgyzotm euax rolk ut znkyk jash sksky. Mu uazyojk, xkgj g huuq, cgzin g subok, ux vrge g mgsk zngz oyt’z g sksk mgsk lux uatik.
Itchy Balls Simulator - Windows
Itchy Balls Simulator - Android
Are you a psychopath and like itchy balls? If so, your balls will be itchy forever with this game! Itchy Balls Simulator is the premier way to itch your balls, and is loved by millions* of people around the world, and is very simple! All you need to do is just press the itch button and you are experiencing what many yearn to feel.
* not guaranteed to be true