Comments (6)
Excuse me, but for some reason when I downloaded the game, I seem to be missing the Sound Effect Audio File named Absorb2.OGG. Could you perhaps tell me how to fix this so I can play it?
(Wow first comment) Just wanted to say loved this game I just had a blast playing it I found hilarious and interesting to play I kinda ruined the experience for myself because I went left immediately and just did everything on the left until that satan boss (forgot his name) and then went back and destroyed the other bosses but that' my fault XD I think this game should be more well known you should make more games with or without your friends

Crazy Floppy Disk!
Jack's Epic Adventure - Version 1.0.2
Originally a shareware game among friends in the early 2010s, before either of us knew what GameJolt was, it has since been recreated in RPG Maker MV.
Jack's Epic Adventure is an RPG about a guy trying to make his way back home, exploring the land and clearing dungeons along the way.
This game was inspired by classics we've played over the years, such as Pokémon, Final Fantasy, Super Mario RPG, Earthbound, among others.
I've ironed out the bugs that I could find, which was most of them, however if you find anything that you think might be a bug, leave a message and we'll be right on it!
Mild Cartoon Violence
Fantasy Violence
Suggestive Themes
Mild Language
Comical Shenanigans