
Jackroid Demo
Jackroid September Release
Jackroid Early Access
Jackroid Kickstarter Here: http://kck.st/2WlBHPr

Jackroid is Jack the Droid. This game is being developed for my nephew's 11th birthday. After several requests I will be continuing to sale Jackroid on here as well as creating a Steam version, XBOX One, ane other versions to come.
Try a portion of the first level to get a feel for the mechanics.
Jackroid is a complete game with open maps, Metroid inspiration and action platforming.
Explore and uncover hidden areas and upgrades.
Story, Characters and Cut scenes.
Travel through little known galaxies to uncharted open worlds.
Jackroid is the first machine-human hybrid and was designed for the dangers of deep space exploration.
Solve puzzles
Fight for the future of the human race while trying to figure out what part of you is still human.
Jack, my nephew, is finally seeing all of the joy and wonder both modern and retro style games can bring.

State of the Game:
We are now 90% complete with a new update coming any day.
Finishing up the third level. If we don't hit any stretch goals the game will end up with five or more levels, story, hidden levels and items totaling around 4 hrs of gameplay.
All core features of Jackroid are complete
Music, sound and Story are complete
animations are 70% complete bc some levels will have cut scene animations that will be created in the future