
Comments (9)

What do you think?

What exactly do you have to do? I move the gravity but I don't know what's the objective of the level

Neat puzzler! I included it in my Familiar Game Jam 5 compilation video series, if you would like to check it out!


great puzzle game,

once I figured out exactly what the objective was, it wasn't bad. not that good, but not really bad. I did rather hate how it's in another language though, when the description is in english. that made it a lot harder to figure out what's going on.

great stuff! nicely done



Version: 0.9.0over 9 years ago

This is my entry for #familiargamejam5
JamAlone is a puzzle game where you have to deconstruct a block structure in order to separate the metallic piece, changing gravity with cursors and using the scene blocks to do it.

JamAlone is named because you have to leave alone one piece of a jam of them, but also because I made this game alone for #familiargamejam5 in only 48 hours. And the more I think, the more meanings I found for this title :D

And good luck for the other entries on the #familiargamejam5.

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