Comments (34)
i think that you should add a level system in the form of different music genres.
It does get a bit repetitive, but the artstyle is honestly what brings this game together. Love the concept of the game, and think it's amazing. Would love to see a multiplayer somehow worked in somehow.
I missed the controls at first, but I managed to figure out how it works. But unfortunately, the game did get a little boring for me to play, so I had to end it after only a short while.
Amazing game, my friends! I look forward to your upcoming games!
Jazzy Beats Desktop
Jazzy Beats Web
Reach the peak of idol stardom! Your rival is sending up her fans to beat you up push you out of the industry. What can you do? Well, punch them so hard they become your fans.
Play as Jazzchan, the idol whose music mesmerizes the masses, and compete against Bluessom in an idol fight of which the world has never heard before! Defend yourself and turn Bluessom’s fans against her with the power of your music (and fists). She’ll do the same, so keep going until one of you goes down. The more fans you have, the worse it’ll be for your rival!
But just don’t beat up each other directly, okay? That’s unprofessional.
(Version 1.0B0 - 05 December 2017)
Created for Ludum Dare 40
Combo-additive fighting mechanics. Punch, kick and play jazz to convert your enemy’s fans into yours!
You can’t fight your rival directly. But don’t worry. Your fans will do the heavy lifting!
Your fans are not very loyal though. Be prepared to beat some sense into them again when your rival takes them back.
How far can you get that combo counter?
Play with your keyboard or with a controller. The following mapping applies to Xbox controllers, although most controllers are supported!
Arrow keys or left stick to move
Punch with Q on a keyboard or A on controller
Kick with W on a keyboard or X on a controller
Trumpet ranged attack with E on a keyboard or B on a controller
Ultimate Sax Drop with R on a keyboard or Y on a controller.
Created, Developed & Presented by Whales and Games
Development Team
Programming - JorgeGameDev (Twitter)
Graphics Artist - Moski (Twitter)
Audio Composer - RobinhoodPT (Twitter)
Special Thanks
Ludum Dare Community
Westmeath Font - Twicolabs Fontdation
Rewired Unity Input Wrapper - Guavaman Enterprises
UI Outline Scripts - Melang (Unity Forums)
Freesound.org - Royalty Free Sound Effects
#beatemup #jazz #idols #ludumdare #ludumdare40 #ldjam #ldjam40 #gamejam #unity #action
Cartoon Violence