Comments (7)
hi my friend and big thx :)
i literally just played through this, and all i can say is........
i like it.
Tak sie ciesze że chce mi sie co dwie minuty srać albo to mnie tak interesuje ALBO po prostu mam sraczke
ooooo nareszcie
Dia 10 é meu aniversário faz versão Android pra mim
Troll duh
NSAJ:UCN (public betatesters version)
It was supposed to be a game for testers but because MFA messed up I will release here what left.
NSAJ: UCN is a mashup of some previous games. You are again trapped in your room saving yourself from death. There are returning and new animatronics aswell! Close the doors, check cameras and much more!
Some features:
Challenge menu including 7 interesting challenges.
Puberty-less but still, Voice Acting
Unlockable Endings
Unlockable Cutscenes
Cartoon Violence
Fantasy Violence
Animated Bloodshed
Mild Language
Comical Shenanigans