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JEK & MM Adventures: Portal Maze (Creation is On Hiatus mode)

Portal Maze is a game about my original character MM short for Modernong Monghe and Jickingx original character Jek short for Jekengkoy.

#2DPlatformer #Maze #Puzzle #Adventure

#2DGame #ModernongMonghe #Jekengkoy

#PinoyGame #OC

Keyboard Controls:

left arrow key / A key = left move

right arrow key / D key = right move

up arrow key / W key = jump

Mild Cartoon Violence

version 0.5.0 (update)

- stage 2 revision is done!

- warp stage for choosing next stage

version 0.4.0 (update)

- adding basic stages 1-10

- revise main stage 1

- revise main stage 2-3-4 (in progress)

- new mm coin & portal design sprite

- temporary background is also added

upcoming updates

- making stage 5-6-7

- making new sprite

upcoming updates

- stage 1-2-3-4 layout is subject to change also some structure soon..

- to be announced here thank you

version 0.3.0 (update!)

- putting new stage for tutorials before the main stage.

new game features:

- hidden passages

- door lock and unlock with key or button

- destroy block by pressing on the button

- coin counters applied but not yet done

version 0.2.0 (update!)

- Added stage 4 layout design

- Title of the game is put but just for temporary purpose only

- downloadable game.exe is now zipped!

version 0.1.0 (early release)

- Can get coins, Hazard Spikes, Falling Spikes, Moving Enemy (Goryo)

- Switching Player (Have but still not use, we still deciding if we will implement this for the future updates)

version 0.1.0 (early release)

- Objectives is to find the exit portal and beat each stage till you go through the final stage.

- Play as mm.

- Stage 1,2,3 layout design is done!