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#GJAsks: What's an underrated classic more people need to play?

Hard to choose, but I would say Super Mario Bros. 2, literally a wonderful sequel, i've never beated it when i was little, but still enjoyable with a great adventure in it

#Centum Centum is a lie.

It looks so great and enjoyable from the trailer, pretty promising, hope you all enjoy the demo of this game by @serenityforge , this deserve much attentions, enjoy it well and have a beautiful day with your family

#NewHorizons5: Happy 5th anniversary to Animal Crossing: New Horizons!

I really miss playing an Animal Crossing game when i was little, never seen this tho, but i'm glad that they keep this game alive with more dlcs, animal crossing remains splendid

Speaking of Super Mario Galaxy, have this 100% i did with Mario today, never been too difficult for me, and this is my first time obtaining every stars, still remains the bestest mario's game i've played, always enjoyable in all these years

#GodOfWar20: Happy 20th anniversary to GoW!

20 incredible years of this, i can't stop enjoying this game when i was little and until this year, i've played all of them until Ragnarok (and Valhalla), they are really amazing, mostly this and Ragnarok