
Comments (5)

What do you think?


So I played this game and I wanted to leave an honest review on it. To anyone who is looking to play this, here is my take on the game. I want to start off with the cons, since I want to leave the best parts about the game for last. The first thing that is wrong with this game is the lag, because I am a UE4 developer, I know exactly why this game lags. Reflective materials. I have noticed many reflective materials spurted throughout the game. To the developer of this game, I would highly recommend changing some of the reflective materials into regular materials. Second thing about this game I do not enjoy is the "Foam Cube Zone". Whilst a cool idea, the physics on the cubes are downright game breaking. How I would recommend to fix this is making no collision on the cubes. Another thing, the voice lines. I think the voice lines are great! The reason I disapprove of these voice lines are because they keep on repeating. Here's an example, "I am h-h-headless b-b-b-b-b-but I still s-s-s-stand over you.". See what I mean? Honestly, I think the voice lines are great, but you need to take out the stutter thing. Last thing that is not too big is that the tablet is not an unlit material. This tablet in game has light that shines all over it, making it look like a plastic toy. Make sure to make the material into an unlit material to make that plastic-y feel go away. That is all I have for the cons! Now, to talk about the pros. I love the shards! Keep that material, it is unique and shiny! Another cool thing is that this developer did REALLY well is on the UI animations! Especially for their first game, it is a masterpiece to look at. I also enjoyed the amount of work put into it, sure it may not look like much, but trust me, this is really hard to make and I appreciate it by a ton. I feel there should be more games like this in the Dark Deception fandom. Speaking directly from the heart, this game has tons of potential, and I am excited to see what comes next in Jif Deception.


make me jif Ä‘eception remastered

make me jif deception remastered


Jif Deception OLD version

Version: 0.1.0about 4 years ago

Jif Deception Release V1.0

Version: 0.1.0over 3 years ago

Jif Deception Enchanged

Version: 0.1.0over 3 years ago

#fangame #horror #survival #puzzle Hi, my name's Jifi, I'm a giraffe, welcome to cafe "At Long Neck" here your suffering have long, long path. I can say you i don't have head see you soon buddy, huhu


#darkdeception #JifDeception
Teaser trailer on this week!

this place brought me joy, but now this only pain and suffering... What kind of place this? Welcome to the cafe:"at Long Neck"

how does jifi see:
