
Comments (30)

What do you think?

umm, so I killed the enemy in stopped time and nobody respawns. is there a way to manually respawn the enemy? and also, can you add the option to use windowed mode instead of fullscreen? another thing, how do I go back to the main menu from the battle area? i've pressed all the buttons on my keyboard and nothing comes up

new update when:(

where is the Nikita Kovbadziri?(((

Looks good add some movtive or ensentives and polish it up and this would be a very fun game.


JoJo Fighting Place v0.4

Version: 0.4.0about 4 years ago
Josuke Higashikata&Kira Yoshikage

JoJo Fighting Place v0.4 (Download it if you can't run rar file)

Version: 0.4.0about 4 years ago

Here you can play as characters from JoJo Bizzare Adventure #adventure #fangame #action #fighting #jojo #jojobizzareadventure

Mild Cartoon Violence
Animated Bloodshed

(I'm low HP so)

Characters that are poorly drawn will be redone as soon as possible.

New characters coming up!

I had a busy time but now I'm free :D

New update is published now, it have Josuke Higashikata, Kira Yoshikage and New Interface!