Comments (13)
Yes your games are awesome! I've finished the first world but the last level, the bonus level, it seems short on time to collect all the coins. Waiting for updates :)
Hi! Your game is amazing! I finished the first 20 levels collecting all the coins. Why can't I pass to the next zone?
I made a video, I hope you like it! :D
I would really like to be able to control Momo with the right stick on a controller.
Good coop game! I've completed all 20 levels in this demo
I wish there were more time to collect bonus level. Waiting for chests to toss coins takes much time
Best adventure game! Is very beautiful, i'm playing... Is awesome! 5/5
Jo & Momo [ALPHA]
Jo and Momo is 2d-story about journey of hero and his faithful friend through mysterious worlds in the search for abducted love.