Welcome to the official That One Week at João Fun House 2, this game was in the makings for over 3 months, so this is the best game I ever made, so if you are under 13 years old, DO NOT PLAY THIS GAME
How to play:
João, Zack: If you see him in the office, flashlight on
the door to stop him
Eduardo, luccas Neto and Bluzão, Wilson: If you
see him in the office, turn off the light to stop him's
Tau: He will show up every 15 to 20 seconds and
you need to click on the logo they are saying
Faustão: He will go to cam 1_3 and you need to
Click on the "Overheat" button if he is close
to the door
Mac tonight: He will go to cam 1_2, just close the
vent to make him go away
Left: Click him to slap him to not get close to you
NEWTheOswaldMovie for the mechanic of the vent
Stabvel 1235 for the tutorial on how to make a FnaF A. I
@Rylee111 for the Zack model
Eduardo for letting him in the game
The office is from The genius night 2
Mac Tonight is from McDonald
The night at Ben
Mac Tonight: First Fast-Food
And some other stuff