Comments (4)
Wow, cool! :)
what is this and how to use it?
looks cool!
Jolt.NET Test Center
The Jolt.NET Test Center ready to use.
Jolt.NET is a gamejolt API wrapper which is deployed as a portable class library (PCL). Currently the wrapper implements all features of the GameJolt API in Version 1.0.
Source Code
The project source can be found on Github.
Supported plattforms
.NET Framework 4.6
ASP.NET Core 5 (untested)
Windows Universal 10 (untested)
Quick example
In this example I register a game in the API, authenticate an user and establish an automatic session ping.
using Jolt.NET;
using Jolt.NET.Network;
class Program
SessionManager manager;
GameClient client;
void Main(string[] args)
client = new GameClient("gameId", "gameKey");
manager = new SessionManager();
client.AuthenticationCompleted += OnAuthenticationCompleted;
// The first authenticated user becomes the default user...
client.AuthenticateUser("username", "token");
private void OnAuthenticationCompleted(
object sender, ResponseEventArgs e)
// ... and the default user will be used in all operations
// as long as you don't pass it in the parameters.
Nothing has been posted to this project page yet. Check back later!