
Comments (1)

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graphics looks awesome bro


Julius Dangerous 2

Version: 1.2.23over 4 years ago
ADDED ENGLISH TRANSLATION FOR DIALOGS ! To customize the display settings and English Language, open the "winsetup" file, select options and then click "save and run". For most displays it is not necessary to change the resolution. Julius Dangerous 2 is a free video game. The game files are free of any form of advertising, Adware or Malware, although a warning message may appear on your system. Once the file has been downloaded and unzipped, the first time the game is started, the message "unsafe application", "unknown author" or similar may appear. As in the case of Windows 10, just click on "more information" in order to bring up a new button that allows it to start.


" La storia dell'agente più temuto dalla galassia prosegue con nuove avventure e personaggi, rompicapo e scenette esilaranti. Il progetto è finalmente giunto al termine! Se avete apprezzato le Vecchie avventure "Punta e clicca" degli anni 90, sicuramente apprezzerete anche questa fantastica avventura grafica! "

Una volta scaricato e decompresso il file, al primo avvio del gioco, potrebbe comparire il messaggio "aplicazione non sicura", "autore sconosciuto" o dicitura simile.

Come nel caso di Windows 10, basterà cliccare su "altre informazioni" in modo da far apparire un nuovo pulsante tale da permetterne l'avvio.


" The story of the most feared agent in the galaxy continues with new adventures and characters, puzzles and hilarious skits. The project has finally come to an end! If you've enjoyed the Old 90's "Point and Click" adventures, you'll surely enjoy this fantastic graphic adventure too! "

IMPORTANT NOTE: To customize the display settings and English Language, open the "winsetup" file, make your changes and then click "save and run". For most displays it is not necessary to change the resolution. Once the file has been downloaded and unzipped, the first time the game is started, the message "unsafe application", "unknown author" or similar may appear. As in the case of Windows 10, just click on "more information" in order to bring up a new button that allows it to start.

#adventure #retro #spacequest #scifi #comic #puzzle #pointnclick #juliusdangerous #lucasfilm #sierra #inventory #italiano #english

Mild Cartoon Violence
Mild Fantasy Violence
Mild Realistic Violence
Animated Bloodshed
Suggestive Themes
Comical Shenanigans

Added English Translation !

To customize the display settings and English Language, open the "winsetup" file, make your changes and then click "save and run". For most displays it is not necessary to change the resolution.

Julius Dangerous 2 updated to version 1.2