Comments (19)
It was you who created sprites, if the answer is yes says Porgram you used.
well jumping willy is a verry funny game! but there's a little bug when u r falling down the islands
jumping willy ist ein ziemlich lustiges spiel, nur beim runterfallen gibt es einige fehler... :D
Good. I found some bugs, but it doesn't scary.
I sure hope you fixed how the ghosts act when you are walking towards them. I like how you did the jumping physics though!! tell me your secret!
interesting game
Jumping Willi
Hey, Guys we are two young german guys, and we LOVE gaming! This is our FIRST ALPHA game. It´s in process, and at the 20.08.2014 we start the Projekt. in one - two days we will present the first playeble Aplha. Hope you have Fun.