Comments (4)
yes cool ^^^^
Cool game. I really enjoyed it. 4/5
i really loved this game C:
Keep Learning
• School is coming! Sad, right? Do not worry! Spend some minutes playing this fun game and remember how fun school is! You, the little pencil, will have to pass different quests regarding school lessons. English, Geography, Math and Music, each of these 4 lessons will have 3 levels each. Try to be fast and precise, relax and do not worry, and you will get A+! Earn A+ and buy cool stuff from the store! Hats and different screen mods! Watch out for the secret codes around the game! Whenever you find one, just type the code on your keyboard, you will gonna earn extra A+! Pause the game by pressing the "CTRL" key on your keyboard. Remember that you cannot pause the game while playing "Music" levels! Also, you cannot replay a level, you will have to start the game again! This will remove your progress! Enjoy!
Move with Arrow Keys / 'W/A/S/D' keys.
Pause the game with 'CTRL' key.
Game Dimensions: 640x430
Game Category: Action, Adventure, Education, Strategy, Rhythm, Other
Movement: Arrow Keys/WASD
Fire / Action: Not Available
Jump: Up Arrow/W