
Keystone Kopies Windows
Keystone Kopies macOS

The Game
Keystone Kopies is a reinterpretation / tribute to the Atari endless platformer classic Keystone Kapers, mixing direct references to the original 2600 and 5200 versions of the game with a personal touch and 3D graphics. The player controls Officer Keystone Kelly chasing Harry Hooligan inside a mall/store while dodging obstacles that become harder each time the bad guy is caught.
Designed to be played on joysticks, the player controls Officer Kelly or perform actions with the left analog stick and jump using the A button. The keyboard is not excluded though with the possibility to play using the arrow keys and/or space bar.
An XBOX360 wireless controller was used during production, if any anything goes wrong with the controls while using other joysticks there's always the option of customizing the inputs in the input tab of the configuration dialog before the game starts. A 16:9 monitor is also recommended for best visualization of the game
The Project
This is a one-person project with the goal of preparing myself for bigger, better and more original projects in the future. It has been the first time (of many, I hope) that I've ever actually finished a project and consequently the first time I will ever get real feedback on something I done.
Thanks To
TechnoAxe Royalty Free Music
For the background music "Charlie Chaplin's Walking Stick"OpenGameArt
For some of the audio clips used in the project
Programming, art and most of the audio by me, Alfred Alves @thepariah6 . Made with Unity5.