
Comments (4)

What do you think?

okay after playing more of the game (and finding all but two of the diamonds) I have to take back my previous comment.

I gave up and I wil never play it again.

I wil not put myself through that frustration twice for a game that is not worth buying.

It's another amateur game.

  1. If you post "If you find so error or issue please comment or send an Email to..." I have to assume you spent near zero time debuging it.

  2. Never include super hard jumping platform areas to a game that is not worth buying. I spent at least 70 tries in one area where three (or more; will never know, gave up) insanely hard jumping chsallenges were set in a row, wth no saving in between them!

Games like Ninja Gaiden, Super Mario World, Ghouls and Ghosts, and several others are famous for being super hard, but the difference is. These games were worth buying. A game that frustrates players is not going to be finished. Espicially if it is not worth buying. Becuase if the game is not very good, then where is my incentive to continue struggling and having a headache?

  1. do not warp back the player back to a save post (where he or she can regain alll of their health) but not make the health regen are fircing the player to continually enact a redudent and step that evenmtually become annoying.
    An amatuer move by someone who did not think things through.

If you going to spend the time to make a game, then take the time to think things through and do at least three full playthroughs of your game.

Most people play games to have fun and not be frustrated.

Got to learn the difference between challening and frustrating // challening and punishing.

Pleas do not think I am singling you out.
I have played a lot of indie games that include thiese painful mistakes and I gave each of them bad reviews.

AWESOME game, if only you had done the sprites with such elegant fashion as the rest of the game, I would have given you five points.




Version: 0.2.0over 8 years ago

Discover why this kid are here. explore this place and find out.

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WASD / arros keys for move
Spacebar to jump/doublejump/submit
Z key for Action
Esc for pause/unpause

Xbox 360 Controller:

left stick = move
A button = jump/doublejump/submit
X Button = Action
Start Button = pause/unpause

If you find so error or issue please comment or send an Email to [email protected] with subject prefix [KIDBUG]
we hope you like the game and enjoy

#kidbug #pixel #retro


happy holydays

release 0.2