
This fangame isn't related to Rahafwabas or anyone related to the creation of UT:SN or the same as UNDERTALE.
Whats Undertale: Something New?

The player, after defeating Sans several times in genocide routes, tried to convince Sans to join the massacre. After some conversation, the player resetted and Sans started with its promise. Sans wanted to feel SOMETHING NEW.
After Sans killed everyone, the player gets bored and decides to eliminate Sans once for all. But... Sans this time is stronger. And he wont die easily this time.
Q: When is it gonna release?
A: I don't know. Give me some time.
Q: How will be the difficulty?
A: Isn't going to be very hard. Im gonna do like Sans fight, but a bit more difficult.
Q: How many phases it will have?
A: 1.
thats it.