
Comments (2)

What do you think?

I need you to covert the game file into and html file


Nabble 3.0 Cancelled Build

Version: 3.0.0over 2 years ago
the build

MAJOR EDIT: The game is being uncanceled until 5.0, which means there won't be a 6.0. Otherwise, this will still be up.
ANOTHER EDIT: It got cancelled again.

Go to
Next, up the file you downloaded in the select project tab.
Scroll down some, or mess with the settings. Might mess it up, idk.
Once you reach Application Settings, scroll all the way down and click Package.
It should download as an .html, .zip, .exe, or something else idk
Run it, and then you should be able to play Nabble!
For some reason, the loading screens might be repetitive.


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today's tom sawyer, mean, mean pride

a monday warrior, mean, mean stride
today's tom sawyer, mean, mean pride

a monday warrior, mean, mean stride
today's tom sawyer, mean, mean pride

And it's gone again.

Ok, so they just confirmed it's coming back..

Well, archived it for the small, probably non-existent, fanbase.