
Comments (10)

What do you think?

very good game which made me learn a lot. I like plot and I hope that the amazing creator of this game will do chapter 2 as soon as possible :) I recommend it

Bardzo fajna gra, lubie

Intense lets play from today my favorite game. Im waiting for the next chapters.

I realy loved this game when i played the old version and it was very good BUT now this game got even better the remaster of chapter 1 is amazing. revamped artstyle and better battles are perfect.

i love poland


Kiwi's Metaphysical Medley (Old Version)

Version: 0.1.0over 2 years ago
This is the first version I uploaded with the Chapter 1 Demo, quite a mess if I do say so myself.

Kiwi's Metaphysical Medley (Chapter 1 Demo Remaster)

Version: 0.1.5over 1 year ago
This is the newer and way better version of Chapter 1, go play it guys I'm waiting!!

Kiwi embarks on a silly journey full of copyrighted characters from their childhood and not-so-childhood memories. Don't take this game too seriously, altougth i'll be very flattered if you want to play it! It's also my first ever RPG Maker game, so don't judge too much! Chapter 1 got thoroughly remastered, go check it out or something. #rpg #other #fangame #adventure #dokidokiliteratureclub #castlecrashers #rpgmaker #rpgmakermv #deltarune #deltarunemusic #casltecrashersmusic #deltaruneost #castlecrashersost #sonicexe

Mild Cartoon Violence
Mild Fantasy Violence
Alcohol Reference
Drug Reference
Tobacco Reference
Mild Language

Yowzers guys the new version out!!