Comments (7)
Cool game! Love the graphics. I Included it in part 5 of my Ludum Dare 31 compilation video series, if you would like to check it out :) http://youtu.be/-qEX6yeW8uQ
i cant rotate the ball? but the idea is pretty cool XD
good 1, but the ball is covering the screen J_L
Knock 'Em Trees
#LudumDare #LD31 #LDJam entryThe theme is "Entire Game on One Screen".
You play as a snowball, trying to Knock 'Em down some Trees. And you get bigger as you knock down more trees, allowing you to knock down some even bigger trees.
WASD to Move
It's admittedly a way too simple game. It's my first attempt at Ludum Dare. I tried to do everything by myself to qualify for the compo, but got too distracted during the weekend to finish on time, so it's a Jam entry.
I attempted to use Blender to create some low poly trees, snowball and terrain. Recorded some pretty annoying Christmas song (no lyrics, because it's lyrics is copyrighted, but not the tune) and edited it in Audacity. And once again, Unity (just Basic) as my game engine.