Comments (29)
Looks amazing, really shows what can be done with a limited palette.
J'ai l'impression que vous allez avoir besoin d'aide pour les traductions, surtout si on se fie à votre dernier post sur le blog :D Bon courage et tous mes voeux de réussite
I like a lot, the draw´s , The only thing i don´t like of them, are the Colors,
but that is a matter of personal taste , and will not affect my judgment of the game, when you publish, I would like to play, I hope my english is undesrtandable
ooooouauaaaaaaooooooo this is awesome
Looks great... nice use of the color palette. :)
L'Héritage Maudit
This game is being developed for the #pointclickjam.
You are Anne Jezequel, a french thriller novel writer during the 60's. Your uncle died and demise us his house in Brittany (France). You decide to leave Paris and take some rest and inspiration in the house for some time. But strange events will append…
It is a fantasy and horrific story, inspired by many games, films and books (Maniac Mansions, Monkey Islands, Phantasmagoria, Gabriel Knight, Bioshock, The road, Lovecraft, Iron Sky, The Hills Have Eyes, Shetan…).
Chapter 1 i scoming for 2015, stay tune !
Intense Cartoon Violence
Fantasy Violence
Intense Realistic Violence
Blood and Gore