Comments (13)
I definitely recommend this game, its great for a time killer and is one of those games you can get sucked into, constantly trying to beat your last score.
Overall I'd say it felt very polished and it had personality to it. I definitely agree with most of Red Phantoms points. however i would say that if your intention was to create a mini game inside a main title then you have done your job excellently. If you intend to make it a standalone game then some variety at higher levels would go a long way.
As to the difficulty it is quite hard if the player attempts to go for all the items in the maze but it becomes quite easy if only a few are acquired. If a higher difficulty is desired then I might suggest lowering the amount of items at higher levels and moving them farther away from the main path to force players to go for them more often and thereby increasing the difficulty. Alternatively, the timer could be shortened with every possible point the player didn't get to encourage collecting them all.
My only critique would be possibly renaming the "about" tab of the menu to "controls" or "instructions" as on my first play through i assumed it was credits or the like and decided to look at them after i played, leading to some confusion on exactly what the goal was (i mistakenly assumed clearing as many levels as possible was the goal).
In short: Its a fun mini game that is exactly what a mini game should be. but if you intend to expand this to a standalone I would recommend further balancing and diversity of play at higher levels. Regardless, I will keep this on my desktop to kill time while I wait for this developer's next game/mac port.
its cool game!!!

I did 3 runs of the game. First 2 I ran out of time and died. On my final third run I went through at least 7 rooms, I felt I became good enough to keep going forever and so I waited for the time to run out and here is how many points I got. I am not sure if you are open to changing the game much but I made some suggestions below anyway. Great fun : )
- Difficulty is too easy (suggestion - increase the difficulty as levels go on)
- Repetitive (suggestion - perhaps you could add some exciting new elements to the maze on higher levels like a teleporter. Or you could change the colour as the levels/score goes higher to indicate progression.
+ Random level generation is fun, i.e. level 1 is different, so each run of the game is different and interesting.
+ I don't recall finding a duplicate level, good variety of levels.
+ The idea of a computer within a computer is genius
+ Music suits the game
This is a small and simple labyrinth game, that I specifically made for another project of mine - Through The Fragmentation (https://gamejolt.com/games/through-the-fragmentation/434232) - and I thought, it might worth a publish as a standalone one. There is no big goal here, just a little retro fun for killing some time, but feel free to share your scores in the comment section
About the gameplay:
You control the white square with the WASD or arrow keys and the goal is to reach the exit point before time runs out.
♦ gives 100 points
♥ restores the timer
+ gives 10 points and plus 1 second
When you reach the exit point you get a couple of points for the remaining time and 1000 bonus points if you collected everything in the maze. Since the mazes are procedurally generated, collecting everyting might be hard or even impossible in some cases.