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La Rose Asylum

Version: 1.1.0almost 7 years ago

I would like to apologize because the game has only the "PT-BR" version since this is an old project based on the previous years, was created before the creation of the "Limbo Conceptual".

I would also like to apologize for the respective credits, the scripts and some resources aren't mine, but since this was a very old project lost in my old computer, I was only able to find the "finished project".

  The only thing I can consider 100% mine is the plot, take this into account, please.

  In case you like the game, the current Limbo Conceptual will work on your remake and make the game 100% original and much better than the current one.

For those who have played please leave your FeedBack. "Limbo Conceptual" would love to remake "The Rose".

Synopsis translated by "google translate"__

Rose Asylum - It is a legend that this name was given in honor of a little girl killed long ago, even before the very creation of the hospice.
  Many say that she had been brutally murdered by her father and has since haunted La Rose. His father suffered from acute schizophrenia is in one of his attacks plucked the face of his own daughter and threw his body in the garden, leaving her there to rot along the roots.
Years later a hospice was built on top of this garden, and its name was given to the local "Rose".
Many patients say they hear their cries of pain are curling evil in the middle of the night echoing through the walls. Legend has it that whoever is marked by it begins to have illuminations as if the garden where she died was in her head.
Many victims before dying claimed to see the silhouette of a little girl without her face, but the fact that only the crazy people were dead was not given much attention to the fact.
They were labeled as suicidal, but all "suicides" had something very unusual among them, a flower called Rafflesia Arnoldii (popularly known as "monster flower") grew inside their stomachs. Emanuelle was no exception.
  Emanuelle Lancaster was a great friend of childhood, but due to her mental problems her family has interned her against her will and since then I have visited her.
  In her last weeks of life she was terribly frightened and told me endless stories about the little girl murdered and her legend, days later she committed suicide, that's what they said.
My name is Alexander Von Caster. I am a researcher, something very strange is happening in that place and I can not help but find out what ...

Sinopse em PT-BR__

Hospício de La Rose - Rés a lenda que este nome foi dado em homenagem a uma garotinha morta há muito tempo atras, antes mesmo da própria criação do hospício.
Muitos dizem que ela fora brutalmente assassinada por seu pai e desde então assombra La Rose. Seu pai sofria de esquizofrenia aguda é em um de seus ataques arrancou o rosto de sua própria filha e jogou seu corpo no jardim, deixando-a lá para apodrecer junto as raízes.
Anos depois um hospício foi construído em cima deste jardim, e foi dado o nome dela ao local "Rose".
Muitos pacientes dizem ouvir seus gritos de dor é rizadas maléficas em plena noite ecoando pelas paredes. Rés a lenda que quem e marcado por ela começa a ter aluminações como se o jardim onde ela morrera estivesse em sua cabeça.
Muitas vítimas antes de morrer alegaram ver a silhueta de uma garotinha sem sua face, Mas pelo fato de apenas as pessoas loucas terem morrido não foi dado muita atenção ao fato.
Elas eram tachadas como suicidas, porem todos os "suicidas" tinham algo muito incomum entre eles, uma flor chamada Rafflesia arnoldii (popularmente conhecida como “flor-monstro”) cresceu dentro de seus estômagos. Emanoelle não foi exceção.
Emanoelle Lancaster foi uma grande amiga de infância, mais devido seus problemas mentais sua família a internou contra sua vontade e desde então eu tenho a visitado.
Em suas últimas semanas de vida ela estava extremamente amedrontada, e me contava incessantes histórias sobre a tal garotinha assassinada e sua lenda, dias depois ela se suicidou, foi o que disseram.
Meu nome e Alexander Von Caster sou um investigador, algo muito estranho esta acontecendo naquele lugar e eu não posso deixar de descobrir o que...


Cartoon Violence
Intense Fantasy Violence
Realistic Violence
Animated Bloodshed
Drug Reference
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