Comments (15)
Apparently I hadn't left a comment when I played this,
I played this first out of all the games due to the early submission and I quite enjoyed it.
12 people is absolutely chaotic on building a project, kinda envious :'D
For Champions of tag I was the sole developer of the entire thing. 8 days of making a networked multiplayer game using Steam is a monster to attempt :P
I loved the art style, was blown away by it, felt kinda like a generic platformer and feel like with 12 people you let the strength of 12 go unused :( But it is a super polished game :D And you guys should be proud of how fucking gorgeous it looks :) But gameplay is lacking based on the team size I feel.
very polished entry . I drowned a couple of times but overall I had a lot of fun
Ech, failed to copy everything from the zip the first time. Now it works.
Fun, but... isn't it heretical to have a frog as your main character and it instantly dies in water? I expected to swim around and hop onto stuff, but it felt like I was hopping around over lava.
I had a great time playing and enjoyed the challenge!

Played your game, it is one of the prettiest of the jam.
Unfortunately the gameplay and game design is lacking a lot. The jump is too small (why do I have to do double jumps even on stairs?), the map is confunsing, I did not understand how to play until I read in the page (the frogs could say about it), and the game is waaay tooooo long for a speedrun feeling of the game (also, too hard). It need a lot of more checkpoints. I played for 1+hour and dropped it because it just was not fun (I just wanted to finish). I played until inside a tree, I am posting a photo for reference. It was pretty far in the game and yet I had no idea how long it was going.
That's sad because the game really have a lot of potential, for a gamejam the size is amazing, but I would do a smaller game with better gameplay.
Good luck ;D
Last Frog Standing

The sacred Trial Grounds is no place for the soft-hearted. Only those who tread the path to the end can become a true champion among the frogs!

LAST FROG STANDING is a modern 3D Platformer with its roots deeply tied to the Nintendo 64 era. Your goal is to become the new champion of Frogwood by mastering the sacred Trial Grounds. Beat other contenders, gather Firefly Collectibles and use your platforming skills to maneuver through the trap riddled forest.

⯈Reach unfathomable heights with your sticky tongue.

⯈Battle other contenders to become the sole champion.

⯈Listen to legends among frog-lore.

LAST FROG STANDING is a contribution for the Champion Jam organized by Games/Bavaria. The game was made within 1 week by a team of 12.
It is highly recommended to play the game with a gamepad.
Gamepad (PC/XBOX)
Left Thumbstick -Â Move
Right Thumbstick - Look Around
A (Face Button Bottom) - Jump / Double Jump
X (Face Button Left)- Attack
B (Face Button Right)-Â Dash
Y (Face Button Top) - Interact
Right Trigger - Grapple Tongue
Start (Special Right) - Ingame Menu
WASD -Â Move
Mouse -Â Look Around
Space - Jump / Double Jump
LMB - Attack
F - Dash
E -Â Interact
RMB - Grapple Tongue
Escape - Ingame Menu
A Game By

(Website | Twitter​ | Discord | Facebook | Instagram​)
Sebastian Kuehn (@Twitter | @Homepage) - Game Design | Programming | Level Design | Technical Art
Johannes Monsch (@Artstation) - 3D Art
Josef Buchner (@Twitter) - Systems Programming
Andreas Moder - A. I. Programming | VFX
Tim Keil  (@Twitter) - Animation | Programming | Technical Art
Gregor Sönnichsen (@Twitter | @Homepage) - Narrative Design | Writing | Programming
Michelle Nims (@Twitter) - Level Design
Ann-Katrin Keiler (@Twitter)- Level Design
Emily Panzer (@Artstation | @Instagram) - Character Art / 2D Art
Nils Schwarz (@Artstation)- 3D Art
Empyre Audio
Matthias Riegler (@Vimeo) - Music | Composition
Emanuel Fitz - SFX | Sound Design
#platformer #action #3d #3dplatformer #jumpnrun #atmospheric #kaizo #hard #gitgud #speedrun #speedrunner #gamejam #thirdperson #singleplayer #collectathon #exploration