
Comments (15)

What do you think?

Pretty good. Not a fan of the interface, honestly. And the pizza / wallet puzzle, among others was a bit of a pixel hunt. Story, characters, dialog, art were all awesome.

Just finished the game and I liked it very much. Its wacky, phantastic world and overall charming mood kept me captivated so much, it felt like dropping out of a daydream when the end credits were displayed. I am likely to play it again some time. Any chances there will still be a talkie some time?

Hi there! Just finished playing this and enjoyed it! Great, quick game with fun puzzles, great dialogue, and a protaginst who's a whoot to play. Enjoyed the 3 different art styles for the different lands. Looking forward to the "talkie" version and what you all are doing after. Thanks!

This was easily my favorite competitor. It was funny, significantly less annoying than the other point-and-clicks in the competition, and cute. Loved the different graphics styles. The main character was the only thing that needed graphical touch-ups. And I wish she had a few more clever responses to the people she talked to.

Neat adventure! Love the different types of graphics! I included it in part 3 of my Adventure Jam compilation video series, if you would like to check it out :)


Late Last Nite: Speakeasy Edition

Version: 2.0.0over 8 years ago
The fully voiced special edition of Late Last Nite!

Game Soundtrack

5 songs

Welcome to Late Last Nite, an adventure in excess.

Join our protagonist Morgan as she stumbles through a series of bizarre fantasy settings -- a mer-pirate lagoon, a junk food forest, and a steampunk vampire nightclub -- in search of three missing relics. How will her night end? It's up to you to decide!

2015 AdventureJam Judge's Pick!

"A wonderfully off-the wall adventure gaming experience, which dances the line between absurdity and esoteric." -- Steven Alexander, Infamous Quests

"Playing this crazy hilarious adventure game will literally kill you when your mind explodes." -- @bear_vs_sumo

"Really funny. Loved the twist ending." -- @YesItsColin

Our team includes a bunch of indie adventure designers working together for the first time: Chris Ushko (Space Quest: Incinerations and The Silver Lining), Frederik Olsen (Space Quest: Vohaul Strikes Back and Serena), Jess Beebe (Adventure: The Inside Job and Adventure: All in the Game), Gareth Millward (best known for his reality-bending portrayal of game developer Pete Toleman), Natalie Juhasz (ReVenture Games), Troels Pleimert (What Spunky Found and Serena), and Jess Morrissette (the Pledge Quest series).


Mild Cartoon Violence
Mild Fantasy Violence
Alcohol Use
Drug Reference
Tobacco Reference
Mild Language
Comical Shenanigans

Late Last Nite: Speakeasy Edition has arrived!

New game - Stair Quest!

Update on talkie edition and more

The lead voice actors for the talkie edition of Late Last Nite are...

Late Last Nite: Game of the Year Edition has arrived!