
Comments (3)

What do you think?

Игры интересная, но было бы круто, если бы можно было идти с зажатой кнопкой

Nice game concept and idea but I would start the game from level 5 or so. It's too easy before that and the levels take up too much time, especially the first one.


Lava is Death 2.0

Version: 2.1.0over 8 years ago
All last Lava is death's version !

Lava is Death 2.0 (FR)

Version: 2.1.0over 8 years ago
Toutes les dernières version de "Lava is death" en français !

Can you transform all block in lava ?
You can create your level and send it to me to see them in futur version. To do that :

  • Create your level

  • Send at : '[email protected]' the "lvl_1.txt" and the "lvl_2.txt" and the "lvl_3.txt" and the "lvl_4.txt" and the "lvl_5.txt" !!!

Have fun


News 2.1.0

Hey, now you can change the level that you play !