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Lazer Maze

Version: 1.2.04 months ago

Lazer Maze is a 1v1 competitive puzzle solving game involving lasers and procedurally generated mazes! 


  • Procedurally generated puzzles

  • Physics based lasers

  • Painfully crafted netcode using the Mirror library for Unity (peer to peer)

  • 7 short music tracks made by me using Chrome Music Lab

  • Numerous wacky sound effects made by me using BFXR, a sound effect generator with manual sliders

This game is currently in development and has been since June or so. You can consider this to be an alpha build. Following is a list of changes I expect to make before the next build:

  • Additional puzzle types that require different solutions

  • Local 1v1 games (requires at least one controller)

  • A restructuring of the maze generation code to reduce network wait times (and prepare for eventual hand crafted puzzles)

For a list of what has changed, see the devlog. Please use the latest version in multiplayer matches to avoid problems! If there is no version number on the title screen, you are running the old version!

Additionally, here is the current list of known bugs:

  • The laser bends really strangely upon reflecting off of a mirror. I know why this is, I just don't have a solution yet

  • Very rarely, the goal can spawn on top of a mirror, providing for an unintended shortcut

If you encounter any other bugs, let me know in the comments below. Most importantly, I have not tested the linux or mac builds, so let me know if you encounter any issues with those. Currently, the game uses p2p connections for multiplayer, meaning hosts will likely have to port forward. I will investigate other solutions in the future.

#puzzle #multiplayer #other

Nothing has been posted to this project page yet. Check back later!