Comments (26)
Really like this one. I's so simple and the idea is fantastic!
Fun, creative little game! 8.5/10 :)
Very neat concept! I included it in my Stencyl Jam compilation video series, if you’d like to take a look. :) https://youtu.be/PAFxQzOthr4
great game! only feedback I have is that it would be better if some sprites were animated such as death and wind.
Hello, the game is cool there is a good concept the music is great but there are small beug at the level of the character for example I succeeded to the fair disparettre to settle you this problem thank you, Sorry for my English I am french.
Cordially a young video game fan.
"Some say that trees are gateways to the Afterlife"
" Others say that trees are the prisons of the Underworld"
"Which is truth?"
Swipe mouse1 to push the leaf.
Game by: Max Smith
Graphics by: Max Smith and Fletcher Smith
Music by: Fletcher Smith -SoundCloud
Yoster Island Font by: codeman38
PS. Please post anything you would like to say about the game in the comments. If you give me a bad rating, at least tell my why, thanks!
Started 10/9/2016 for #stencylgamejam
Mild Cartoon Violence