Core Module
Charged the first of four Modules, found in the secret Core.
Server Module
Charged the second of four Modules, found in the Server Rooms.
Office Module
Charged the third of four Modules, found in the ruins of the offices.
Penthouse Module
Charged the final of the four Modules, found in the Penthouse, completing the game.
Upgraded the Lectrovolt unit with the Extravolt Ability.
Upgraded the Lectrovolt unit with the Chargevolt Ability.
Charged the Lectrovolt unit with the Powervolt Ability.
Charged the Lectrovolt unit with the Mastervolt Ability.
Secret Room 1
Discovered the first Secret Room.
Secret Room 2
Discovered the Second Secret Room.
Secret Room 3
Discovered the Third Secret Room.
Ooh, Pretty!
Saw a Shooting Star
Jumped 1,000 times throughout all three save files.
Shining Charge
Charged 250 Objects throughout all three save files.
Electric Scavenger
Charged all Twenty hidden nodes within one playthrough.
NOTE: Each module charged prevents backtracking to a degree. All twenty nodes are hidden within rooms the player must move through.
Electric Completionist
Complete all three save files.
NOTE: each game save, once complete, will change from grey to gold, and can no longer be accessed until the player deletes all game information from the options screen. All three save files must be gold for the trophy.